
Mentoring Book 2

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Mentoring Book 2 - Mentoring: How to be a Caring, Competent, and Committed Mentor

By Nancy Gumina

How to be a Caring, Competent, and Committed Mentor is an authoritative conversation about what it means to be a mentor in today's world of work. It clarifies the mentor's role and responsibilities along the journey to becoming a great mentor. Both the new and the seasoned mentor will benefit from the book's many practical ideas, exercises, activity suggestions, and sample case illustrations. Here's a secret known only to mentors. Mentoring can be immensely rewarding - to mentors.

In this book, you will

  • Explore the four stages of the mentoring partnership.
  • Assess and enhance your mentor and management competencies.
  • Discover strategies for setting and achieving mentee goals.
  • Recognize how and when to challenge and confront your mentee for maximum development.
  • Gather insider tips for staying on task and effectively managing your mentee meeting time.
  • Avoid some of the most common mentor sand traps...and so much more.

Don't leave the success of your mentoring to chance. Prepare for this important role. Add How to Be a Caring, Competent, and Committed Mentor to your management toolbox today!

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