
The People Side of Change

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The People Side of Change
 By Darlene Davis

To be competitive in today’s market, organizations are continually seeking ways to be more productive, lower costs, increase market share, elevate competencies, improve efficiencies, reduce staff turnover, and more.  In any given day, change is taking place somewhere in the workplace:  with individuals, teams, departments, or throughout the entire organization.
Many executive teams focus on developing change strategies and tactical plans but are at a loss in how to manage the human elements of change effectively.  Understanding that the authoritarian, top to bottom, do as I say approach of the past will strangle a change initiative, they acknowledge that the gravest challenge for them is their ability to manage the people side of change. 
The People Side of Change provides a structural framework to help you initiate the analysis, readiness, planning, implementing, and the engaging of people in successful change. 
The model includes descriptions of the roles, responsibilities, and tasks for senior management, the change team leader, and the five leadership team’s functional directors:  organizational development, communications, managers and supervisors, training and development, and health, safety, and security.  This systematic approach ensures active involvement from all organizational levels and consistent delivery.
This book explains what needs to be done and how to do it.  Processes, exercises, assessments, tools, resources, and guidelines to diminish resistance, and promote employees’ understanding and acceptance of the change are given.
Although no single approach fits every change, The People Side of Change offers a workable blueprint with numerous best practices you can draw upon and adapt to various change initiatives in your organization.

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