
Measurement in the Workplace Book 1

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Measurement in the Workplace, Book 1

By Frank Wolf, D.I.B.A.

Since what we elect to measure in the business world affects outcomes, such as growth and performance, the subject of measuring is clearly very important right now. We are often obsessed with trying to measure everything in the hope of understanding everything and having control. In this book, we examine measurements that support the business goal. For example, if we create an incentive for risk, employees will take chances, is that the intent?

In this book the reader is introduced to the subject by

  • A general discussion and history of measurements.
  • Workplace measurements in corporate offices.
  • Workplace measurements in the service sector of the economy.
  • Workplace measurements in the manufacturing sector.

The chapters are supported by rich examples and exercises that support new thinking for better outcomes and timely rewards.

The author Frank Wolf teaches MBAs at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, and brings a wealth of experience in this subject from research, writing, and from having been a corporate manager and entrepreneur of three companies, the current one engaged in solvency stress testing companies in the private sector.

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