
Leading the Total Quality Mission Series

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Leading the Total Quality Mission and Leading Continuous Improvement Series

By Orlando Blake, CPT, PhD
Leading the Total Quality Mission:  Aligning principles, practices, and management, Volume 1.

This book and its companion, Leading the Total Quality Mission  Building capability and commitment, Volume 2 are a composite set of implementable concepts, ideas, and techniques that the quality leader of today may put into practice to improve organizational and individual performance.  You may use this book to build your quality leadership and internal practices to create a sustainable organization.

Almost universally, modern industry has begun to recognize that it must reach beyond traditional quality assurance methods to ensure that hazards are minimized, safety and reliability are maximized, customer expectations are satisfied, and employee satisfaction is thriving.  An effective quality program can bring many benefits to an organization: increased profit margin, a loyal customer following, and enthusiastic and empowered employees.

Consequently, visionary leaders, organizational management, employees, and those who independently assess the quality of work, are committed to making their unique contributions in carrying out the mission of achieving quality.

Your role as a manager in promoting quality is critical.  Management, at all levels, plays a key role in communicating quality as the performance priority, visibly setting an example, and teaching employees about the organization’s quality mission.

This book will equip you with quality insight.  You can be an ambassador of quality practices in your organization.  Here is a sampling of this book topics:

  • The definition of quality and what it means to you.
  • A clear understanding of the quality mission.
  • The drivers of quality: requirements and common sense.
  • The importance of organization alignment.

This book and the companion volume are about the leadership element in total quality.  In fact, it is about taking the “M” out of TQM and replacing it with an “L” for Total Quality Leadership (TQL).  They describe the leadership challenges that you will face in influencing the total quality and quality assurance processes.  The real goal is to achieve Continuous Improvement to enhance safety and reliability, not just complying with a minimal set of requirements.

Leading the Total Quality Mission:  Building capability and commitment, Volume 2.

Leading the Total Quality Mission: Building capability and commitment, Volume 2, is a book about the value of aligning good leadership practices with a commitment to total quality and the inherent worth of people in organizations.

This book goes further than the companion book, Leading the Total Quality Mission:  Aligning principles, practices and management, Volume 1, in providing guidance and an ideological perspective of leading total quality and continuous improvement. 

You will be introduced to how-to processes and tools that, when implemented, make your total quality (TQ) and continuous improvement (CI) programs successful.

Topics covered include the following:

  • Planning the TQ Process.
  • Defining the Customer’s Needs. 
  • Selecting the Measures. 
  • Building in Quality. 
  • Managing Your Work.
  • Assessing and Evaluating.
  • Investing in Your People. 
  • Knowing Your Soft Spots. 
  • Fostering a No Fault Attitude. 

TQ and CI are just words unless you know how to live by them.  You must align capability, leadership, total quality practices, and commitment . . . and that is what this and its companion resource is all about!!

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