
A Book of Models

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A Book of Models
The 10 Models
Creating a Future:  Event-Driven Strategies – Hedging, Leveraging, Shaping
Executing Strategic Intent:  Identifying Critical Processes and Linking Them to Strategy
Determining Structure and Culture:  Organizational Frameworks
Assessing Business Savvy:  The Progression of Competence
Becoming Market Leaders:  Creativity and Innovation
Leveraging Synergies:  Managing the Field of Variance
Creating Change:  Context, Assumptions, Challenges, Priorities, and Value Creation
Uncovering Economies:  Cost Sourcing and Solutions Mapping
Managing Performance:  Visualization and Transparency

Assessing Inefficiencies:  10 Degrees of Productivity
Why Models?
One of the most compelling reasons for using models, particularly when it involves the construction, validation, and application of theories is that it engages the participant in the higher level skills of thinking and experimenting.
Models also provide unique opportunities for problem solving within an environment of interactive engagement.  Evidence shows that significant learning gains are achieved when people participate in interactive engagement activities. Thus, it is important that the learning environment/activity created around a model provides an interactive engagement experience.
Working with models can enhance systems thinking abilities.  Models and model development is a powerful approach to visualization as well as developing conceptualizing skills.
The knowledge gained using models and the understanding of model development and implementation are transferable to numerous other disciplines.
The Presentation
Each model is presented by means of

  • Introduction and Overview
  • The Model: Its Form and Function
  • Why the Model Works

A companion file contains the models illustrated in the book as well as other supplementary and associated models and materials. 
Implementation Materials
All models are available with implementation materials such as facilitator’s guides, participant workbooks, author suggestions, and various handouts.
Professional Consulting and Project Management
We bring value to projects through our seasoned experience, mature insight, and outcomes-based solutions. We help you with project-based initiatives at any stage including project formation, project management, or project performance and non-performance.  Our business solutions encompass a broad range of tools, intellect, and application, including

  • M&A Integration and Assimilation
  • Business Environment Scanning
  • Reorganization
  • Consolidation
  • Major Program or Project Implementation
  • Business Refocus
  • Global Expansion
  • Downsizing
  • Culture Shift or Integration
  • And others

Our situational solutions come from a depth of understanding and reality immersion experience working with a cross-section of levels in the organization as well as broad industry exposure.
Training in the models is available through facilitator-led workshops scheduled at various times and locations.  For more information on the workshops, click the sidebar labeled Workshops: Facilitator-Led.


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